New to virtual schooling? 

In a virtual school, there is a very close partnership between home and school. Your involvement is crucial to the success of your child.  Below is the basic information you need to get started.

Thank you for your extensive partnership with us! We could not do this without you!

Family Handbook 

This document will provide a really clear idea of the partnership necessary between home and our school. 

Need to report an absence? 

Fill out our form posted to the top of our website home page

Emergency Procedures Chart

Understand what to do in an emergency and post in an accessible location . Hopefully you will never have to use this but please post in a prominent place or bookmark.

Asynchronous Learning

Fostering Independence 

How to Stay Informed

Email Updates - sign up for SchoolMessenger

Weekly Principal Updates are sent on Friday evenings through SchoolMessenger to your email address you provided us. 

Most educators also communicate using SchoolMessenger.

Sync with our school calendar

Link our Blessed Carlo calendar with yours by following these steps:

Tip: It might take up to 12 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar

Join our School Council Meetings

 All are welcome!  

Our council members & meeting dates 

Tech Support

Visit our Tech Support page to learn how to set up your child's device. Know where to go for tech support before you may need it! 

Internet Safety Resources

Responsible Use of Technology Form

Each OCSB student needs a completed Responsible Use of Technology form. There is a portion for both parents & students to “sign” in our Parent Portal.  Our students are on technology for a large portion of their day and this form will help ensure they understand what they need to do to be responsible users. Another excellent resources is our  Samaritans on the Digital Road resource to help develop Digital Citizenship.